Twitter Double Standards - Fascist Hate OK, Antifascist Love NO
by Luciana Zana Trëndafilazezë http://www.islamicpluralism.org/2667/twitter-double-standards-fascist-hate-ok Our founder, Ashk Sylejman, born Stephen Schwartz, has been barred permanently from Twitter, one of the most prominent Russian-controlled social media platforms in the West.As visible below, our Ashk, a Sufi and peacemaker between religions, has been judged a hateful person.Our Ashk comments:"I am indeed a hateful person regarding fascism. It is clear to me that Twitter favors fascist hate but acts to suppress antifascism, both hateful and loving."Antifascist love will prevail, but not through surrender to false appeals for dialogue."There is no debate with fascists. There can be no argument on the Holocaust, slavery, or rape. That should be self-evident."It is time, also, to cease debate over whether the Trump regime in the U.S. is fascist."We define fascism as a radical movement of the dispossessed and confused middle classes, seeking scapegoats for its misery, and mobilized to impose a dictatorship 'of the most reactionary elements of society.'"In the U.S. case fascism has been installed by Russia.
"Trump's homicidal incitement against Democrats, transgenders, Hispanics, Muslims, immigrants from alleged 'outhouse' countries, sports performers, military veterans, federal agents, etc. is fascist."Trump's ignorant disregard for the U.S. Constitution, the highest expression of the values we defend, is fascist."The deranged antics by Trump propagandists like Gorka, Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and other liars are fascist."The devious behavior of 'antisocial media' parasites enables fascism."I endorse antifascist action. I do this on my own, but with consciousness of the burden of witness incumbent on me as a reporter on the Balkan Wars of the 1990s.
"Truth is on the march. Justice will prevail. The ghost of fascism will be exorcised."In this great struggle, moderate, traditional, and spiritual Muslims have a place."Make no mistake: I stand for freedom in Catalunya, Kurdistan, and the Caucasus, in Ukraine, Eastern Turkestan, and Burma. I stand against Islamofascism, Serbofascism, and 'ordinary' fascism."God Bless America. America First, NOT RUSSIA FIRST!----- Forwarded Message -----
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