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The False "Mahdi" Brays Loudly
by Stephen Schwartz http://www.islamicpluralism.org/413/the-false-mahdi-brays-loudly
"Mahdi" Bray's name excites questions as well as jokes. On becoming Muslim, did he really imagine himself the "mahdi," the Islamic equivalent of "messiah" Can one imagine a convert to Judaism naming himself Moshiach, or to Christianity, taking the name of Jesus? Further, the individual in question brays like a donkey as spokesman for the so-called Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation, a front for the ultra-radical Muslim Brotherhood, based in North Africa. But he has a long résumé as a promoter of radical Islam, including employment by the phony moderates of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and he has brayed in his eponymous manner on behalf of the criminals in the Northern Virginia "paintball jihad" conspiracy. The latter network was composed of Wahhabi bandits, who harassed the authentic friends of Bosnian Islam in America, while recruiting for terrorist operations to be carried out in Afghanistan and Kashmir, since bloodshed had ended in the Balkans. "Mahdi" Bray's exercises in illiteracy and intrigue are characterized by hysterical improvisation, as he rushes back and forth, up and down, seeking to establish a place for himself, and his cohort of dupes, as American Muslim leaders. On Monday, July 25, "Mahdi" Bray will unveil a new such gambit in Washington, DC, at the National Press Club. There he promises the inauguration of a campaign entitled "Faith Over Fear and Justice for All," allegedly created "by American Muslims to combat terrorism." This event will feature participation by the infamous "Muslim Student Association" (MSA), the chief agency of radical Islamist indoctrination on North American college campuses and, among other items, the publisher of works by the founder of Wahhabism, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The braying pseudo-mahdi has stated, "MAS Freedom renews its condemnation to terrorism and its commitment to exonerate Islam from terrorism and deny terrorists any religious/ideological or political legitimacy. Given the intricacies of such phenomenon (sic), MAS Freedom believes that beefing up intelligence and security measures, while vital and crucial, will not solve the problem, especially given that we are dealing with people who are religiously misguided, erroneous, and socio-politically desperate." How, one must ask, were the members of the Northern Virginia plot "socio-politically desperate"? They were well-fed products or residents of the United States, South Korea, and Pakistan, and on American soil they enjoyed every freedom and all opportunities, including those of education, income, and the "fun" of "playing paintball" to simulate the mass murder they intended on foreign territory, while fantasizing that they could participate in bloody attacks on this country. The false "mahdi" further declaims, "For those who keep insisting on condemnation of terrorism from the Muslim Community be advised that we are beyond condemnation, it is time for action (sic). We are at the stage of mobilizing our community to combat terrorism wherever it occurs." Really? Does that mean he will mobilize Muslims to combat his former associates in Northern Virginia, and their fellow-terrorists in Pakistan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, as well as in the United Kingdom and the U.S.? Is the "mahdi" of the asinine (a term defined in dictionaries as "utterly stupid or silly; of, relating to, or resembling an ass; from Latin asinus, ass") prepared to denounce the latest atrocities in Egypt and Israel? The pseudo-mahdi's record does not inspire confidence in this area. But "Mahdi" Bray has also lately opened his mouth, or kicked with his hooves, in a different direction, which should be of interest to observers of radical anti-Americanism. In recent years, discredited and bedraggled Western leftist groups, whose ideology was defeated by the pre-Taliban Muslim fighters of Afghanistan and the ensuing collapse of the atheist Soviet Union, have treated American Muslims as handy sheep to be herded into the ranks of demonstrators against the Western coalition fighting the global war on terror. If the spectacle of a braying donkey leading a parade of such victims is repellent in itself, it is especially disgusting to imagine a Muslim "leader" rounding up his cobelievers in the service of antireligious fanatics. But such is the reality of the alliance forged in the West between leftists and Islamists – an alignment also expressed in the comments of London mayor "Red Ken" Livingstone, blaming the atrocities in his city on the commitment of Prime Minister Blair to the liberation of Iraq. "Mahdi" Bray has been prominent in the latest effort to fill the depleted ranks of the radical left with ordinary Muslims, focussing on a Washington parade to be held on September 24, 2005. But since the donkey is not the brightest creation of Allah (swt) it should come as no surprise that the false "mahdi" has gotten himself badly entangled in the internal politics of the anti-democracy movement. Thus, "Mahdi" Bray has come out in strong support of the ANSWER faction of the anti-American campaign. He has denounced its rival, known as United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), as nothing less than "segregationist," because the latter called a rally separate from the former, although in the same city on the same day. The ideological conception that would supposedly justify the braying pseudo-mahdi's use of this highly-loaded term – playing the "race card" as a feature of Islamist/leftist subversion – is that UFPJ is allegedly insufficiently pro-Palestinian. In reality, both ANSWER and UFPJ are front groups for radical leftists who recruit neofascists no less than naïve Muslims, in the fashion of the post-Soviet "red/brown" alliance of Communists and Nazis against democracy and Jews. And neither ANSWER nor UFPJ has clean hands on Muslim issues. Indeed, one might take pleasure in the ridiculous "mahdi" delivering a solid kick to the heads of UFPJ, which is mainly a creature of the pathetic American Communist Party – and which, of course, offered full-throated support for the Sovietization of Afghanistan. But UFPJ and its Communists no longer get much Russian money, which is why they no longer occupy much of a place in American politics. A glance through their list of supporters reveals a leftism that has become absurd in its circus-like character, as well as despicable in its revival of the "red/brown" front of the Stalin-Hitler pact. UFPJ includes such neofascist entities as "American Renaissance," which fans anti-immigrant fears, and Antiwar.com, the scurrilous website run by the deranged Dennis Raimondo, who claims Israeli complicity in the events of September 11, 2001 and the recent London bombings – and that's just under the letter "A". Running down the rest of the alphabet, one would be hard-pressed to decide which component is more ludicrous. Here are the highly inclusive Marxist Feminist Lesbian Jamican (sic?) Radical Poets of New Jersey (website broken), alongside the hitherto-unknown Metro Detroit Labor Party (no website), and something with the eloquent if vague name Operation Revolution (no website either). Also participating are the bizarre-sounding Pirates Against Bush, of Massachusetts (again, no site to check), and, with no website but hailing from the hollers of West Virginia, the impressive Socialist Organization for Relief, Tradition, and Opposing Fascism – another triumph of rhetorical inclusiveness. A further inventory of these flyspeck enterprises, most of which lack the resources, stamina, or continuity to occupy a presence on the internet, would serve no purpose. But "International Member Groups" of UFPJ also comprise the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam as well as the sinister-sounding "Death Sector (Philippines)." And UFPJ includes the paramilitary Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a front for jihadists in Pakistan who bear moral responsibility for the new London atrocities. One might imagine that in rejecting this extremist menagerie, notwithstanding his entertaining accusation that this super-diverse bunch are "segregationist," "Mahdi" Bray had undergone an attack of common sense. But one would be wrong in such an assumption, for the ANSWER gang for whom he prefers to bray his praises has a public record of support for the Milosevic government in Serbia, which killed 250,000 Bosnian Muslims. Advice for the American Muslim: do not follow the path of the donkey. Avoid the political entrapment schemes of "Mahdi" Bray and all his atheist, leftist friends and rivals. Leave the process in Iraq to the Iraqis and, above all, their Shia and Kurdish majority, who support the Western coalition; encourage the Palestinians to settle their affairs non-violently. Break the addiction to paranoid fantasies about President Bush and America, and follow the traditions of the faith of Muhammad aleyhisalaam, by protecting your selves, your families, and your future in a country that has offered you, as members of working and middle class families, more freedom and prosperity than any other state in history. Let the fake "mahdi" bray alone in the barnyard of false ideologies. Related Topics: American Muslims, Wahhabism, WahhabiWatch receive the latest by email: subscribe to the free center for islamic pluralism mailing list |
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