The Pandemic As Pretext
[Text in Bpsnian at https://balkanin.net/za-albiun-kurti-pandemija-kao-pretpostavka/].
As a resident of San Francisco, I have wondered how many of my neighbors might have seen the hasty imposition of a day time curfew by "our" mayor, machine politician London Breed – a conception subjected to a necessary critique by New York governor Andrew Cuomo – as an unintended authoritarian consequence of the virus. In this scenario, fascist repressive measures are enacted with the pandemic as a pretext.
Albin. |
Such musings may seem excessively conspiratorialist, but may likewise derive credibility from the recent illegal overthrow of the legitimate government of the Kosova Republic and its prime minister, my friend, mentor, and comrade Albin Kurti, founder of the Self-Determination movement (Vetëvendosje – LVV).
No negotiation! |
The coup against the Kosova Constitution was directed allegedly by the devious and repellent Richard Grenell, an incompetent degenerate named by Donald J. Trump to subvert the office of the Director of National Intelligence. The patriotic hero Kurti would, obviously, never gain the respect of Putin's Trumpist spawn. The immediate excuse was disagreement over the Kosovar response to the pandemic.
Serbian rule over Kosova. |
In a world dominated by the likes of Putin, Trump, Erdoğan, and other scoundrels, Albin represents a sole source of hope. He is the most authentic anti-Trump: both are products of the political apocalypse beginning in the West in 1991, with the Russo-Serbian destruction of ex-Yugoslavia. The political viruses spread by Trump were invented in Moscow, and found their worst "hot spot" in Belgrade, the laboratory of late fascism. These viruses are ethnic polarization, lawbreaking as a policy, and promotion of disinformation. Albin has stood throughout his intellectual life for rationality, dialogue and fidelity to truth.
The flag of tthe Albanian nation. |
Leading European thinkers including Slavoj Žižek, Michael Hardt, Saskia Sassen, and G.M. Tamás have called for support to Albin. Let us join them in defending freedom. The defense of Albin Kurti is not the private affair of the Albanians, but the cause of all civilized humanity.
Thank you, Bill Clinton! |
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Kao stanovnik San Franciska, zapitao sam se koliko je mojih susjeda moglo vidjeti užurbano nametanje dnevnog policijskog sata od strane "našeg" gradonačelnika, strojnog političara London Breeda – koncepciju koju je podvrgnuo nužnoj kritici guvernera New Yorka Andrew Cuomo – kao nenamjerna autoritarna posljedica virusa. U ovom scenariju fašističke represivne mjere provode se uz pandemiju kao izgovor.
Takva razmišljanja mogu izgledati pretjerano zavjerenima, ali mogu isto tako donijeti vjerodostojnost iz nedavnog ilegalnog svrgavanja legitimne vlade Republike Kosovo i njenog premijera, mog prijatelja, mentora i drugara Albina Kurtija, osnivača pokreta Samoopredjeljenje (Vetëvendosje – LVV).
Državni udar protiv ustava Kosova usmjerio je navodno odvratni i odvratni Richard Grenell, nesposobni degeneričar kojeg je Donald J. Trump imenovao da bi srušio dužnost direktora Nacionalne obavještajne službe. Patriotski heroj Kurti očito nikad ne bi stekao poštovanje Putinovog Trumpovog mrijesti. Neposredni izgovor bilo je neslaganje oko kosovskog odgovora na pandemiju.
U svijetu u kojem dominiraju Putini, Trump, Erdoğan i ostali prevaranti, Albin predstavlja jedini izvor nade. On je najautentičniji anti-Trump: oboje su proizvodi političke apokalipse koja počinje na Zapadu 1991. godine, rusko-srpskim uništavanjem bivše Jugoslavije. Politički virusi koje je Trump širio izumljeni su u Moskvi, a svoje najgore "žarište" našli su u Beogradu, laboratoriji kasnog fašizma. Ti su virusi etnička polarizacija, kršenje zakona kao politika i promocija dezinformacija. Albin se cijelog svog intelektualnog života borio za racionalnost, dijalog i vjernost istini.
Vodeći europski mislioci među kojima su Slavoj Žižek, Michael Hardt, Saskia Sassen i G.M. Tamás je pozvao podršku Albinu. Pridružimo im se u odbrani slobode. Odbrana Albina Kurtija nije privatna stvar Albanaca, već razlog cijelog civiliziranog čovječanstva.
Ashk Sylejman (Stephen Schwartz) is the founder of the Second Bektashi Sufi Mission to the West and Emeritus Director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism.
Ashk Sylejman (Stephen Schwartz) osnivač je druge sufijske misije Bektaši na zapadu i direktor Centra za islamski pluralizam na Emeritusu.
Bektashism. |
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